Storyteller. Copywriter. Strategist. Wannabe Poet.

I’m all those things up there, a few more buzzwords, and most importantly, a human being. I have written anything and everything—content strategy, whitepaper, short-form, long-form, all the SEO, video scripts, headlines, tags, product copy (which I openly love), and a lot of copy for brands like Petco, Expedia, Eddie Bauer, Square, and a whole lot more.

Brands I’ve worked on

These are just some of the brands I’ve strategized, concepted, and written copy for.


As a content strategist and copywriter, I’ve helped brands like Travelocity, Hilton, Expedia, etc., find their voice and deliver their message with style.

Let’s take a trip»

Product and Retail

I had a client ask, “If you can write poetry about rugs, do so.” I’ll not only get your customers to purchase but also imagine all the places they’ll go.

Sell me this pen»

Odds and Ends

Print ads, websites, case studies, whitepapers, sports equipment, and anything else worth writing about—just trying to show you how versatile I can be.

All the words»

“Matthew Potter is truly a poet's poet, capable of evoking in his readers sudden sorrow or the need to pause and consider Big Picture stuff in a new way.”

Robin Stratton of Big Table Publishing and Boston Literary Magazine



Judge not lest ye be judged

Let’s Talk

I’m assuming it will be about a job opportunity, but I’m also open to chit-chat.